國立臺灣大學歷史學系  Department of History, National Taiwan University
學術演講 2022.10.19公告
【經典人文學程學術演講】高德老師主講:What is heritage, and how does East Asia inform us about heritage discourse and its entanglements with politics?

高 德老師介紹


  • 講 題:What is heritage, and how does East Asia inform us about heritage discourse and its entanglements with politics?
  • 主講人:
    高 德/臺大人類系副教授
  • 主持人:
  • 時 間:20221028日 (週五) 10:20-12:10
  • 地 點:線上演講
  • 報名網址:https://forms.gle/EPD3P4gChjkq83Gn8
  • 報名截止日期:20221026日(週三)17:00



 相關連結: 高德老師「What is heritage, and how does East Asia inform us about heritage discourse and its entanglements with politics?」演講海報


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