國立臺灣大學歷史學系  Department of History, National Taiwan University
學術演講 2015.12.21公告
伊佩霞老師(Patricia B. Ebrey)主講:Gender and the Chinese Emperor
伊佩霞老師(Patricia Buckley Ebrey)介紹
  • 題 目:Gender and the Chinese Emperor(英文演講)
  • 主講人:伊佩霞 老師(Patricia Buckley Ebrey)/西雅圖華盛頓大學歷史系威廉氏名譽教授,科技部人文社會科學中心訪問學者
  • 主持人:衣若蘭 老師/臺大歷史系副教授
  • 時 間:2016年1月6日(週三)13:30-15:30
  • 地 點:臺大歷史系會議室
  • 簡 介:
      In the 1980s and 1990s, many scholars claimed that bringing gender into historical analysis would change not just how we thought about women or the family, but also force rethinking of other historical topics. For instance, Joan Wallach Scott wrote, “Feminist scholars pointed out early on that the study of women would not only add a new subject matter but would also force a critical reexamination of the premises and standards of existing scholarly work.” More specifically on China, Dorothy Ko wrote, “by comprehending gender relations, we gain a more realistic and complete knowledge of the values of Chinese culture, the functioning of its society, and the nature of historical changes.” The goal of this talk is to ask if the accumulating research on gender in China is in fact leading to ways to rethink other historical issues. In particular I will look at our understandings of Chinese emperors, both as individuals and as an institution. Issues such as the education of emperors, the ways officials tried to manage them, ruler-minister relations, and the palace as a social space will all be touched on.




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